New Land Stewardship Brochure Available

The Green Lake Sanitary District has released a new brochure to inform new landowners in the Green Lake watershed about available options for land management planning and land preservation.

The best strategies for managing land vary from property to property depending on proximity to waterways, topography, soil type, etc. Through our Lake Management Planning Team, the Green Lake Watershed has experienced land managers available to work with landowners to determine how best to manage land while protecting Green Lake, its tributaries, and wetlands.

Best management practices (BMP’s) such as prairie strips, buffers, sediment retention basins, and streambank stabilization projects are examples of BMP’s commonly utilized in the Big Green Lake watershed. These practices help to retain soils in upland areas thereby improving the water quality of the lake itself. Additionally, the land use professionals on our team will work with you to find available project funding through the local, state, or federal cost share programs.

Landowners that wish to protect the land they own by limiting agricultural production, either for a limited number of years or in perpetuity, may be interested in programs such as the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), Farmland Preservation (FPP), conservation easements, or switching their land production to regenerative agriculture. There is an array of programs designed to conserve and protect critical lands within the Green Lake watershed.
Several of these programs provide financial incentives to landowners for removing environmentally sensitive lands from agricultural production. Additionally, they may help fund the restoration of native vegetation that will improve the quality of the soils on the landscape. The land use professionals on our Lake Management Team can work with you to determine the best program to make your land use vision a reality.