The Green Lake Watershed Soil Health Program

We are very excited to announce the Green Lake Watershed Soil Health Program. Based on a program
created by the Fond du Lac County Land and Water Resources Dept., this new outreach program has the
potential to bring great change to the Big Green Lake watershed. With a focus on overall soil health, this program strives to keep soil in place on ag fields throughout the watershed while enriching the soil through the buildup
of organic matter and healthy soil organisms.

The program is being administered and implemented by the Green Lake and Fond du Lac Counties’ Land and Water Conservation Departments. Primary funding for the program is from two DNR Lake Protection grants acquired by the GLSD with additional funding also provided directly by the GLSD. The goal of the funding is to assist farmers in utilizing these soil coverage practices or to use the funding toward the purchase or modification of their current equipment. Through these practices we hope to achieve significant reductions of soil loss into Green Lake.

Landowners or operators interested in becoming involved with the program are encouraged to contact either the Green Lake or Fond du Lac Counties’ Land Conservation Departments. Their direct phone numbers are:
Green Lake County – (920) 294-4051 or Fond du Lac County – (920) 904-5530.