The GLSD Welcomes New Staff

(Soon To Be Hannah Niewoehner (Knee-Wah-Ner)
Hannah was hired this past June to provide outreach to local farmers and
landowners in order to develop new conservation projects in the Big Green Lake watershed. Hannah has a diverse background in the natural resources field with a degree in Animal Ecology from Iowa State University. Most recently, Hannah has worked in the water resources field as an Urban Conservationist in Iowa
and a Watershed Restoration Coordinator with the Wisconsin DNR. She is an Iowa native, and her family farms corn and soybeans in North Central Iowa. Utilizing her professional and personal background, she hopes to provide
quality service to farmers and landowners in the Big Green Lake watershed. If you are interested in trying a new conservation practice on your farm, she’s happy to assist! As a new face in the area, she’s looking forward to getting to know our local farmers and landowners.

Scott Neuman was hired in October to help manage and maintain our 15
Conservancy Lands properties. Scott has been working with the GLSD staff
as a consultant on prescribed burns, invasive species removal, and project
development since 2013. During his years as a private consultant, he spent
much of his time working on projects with the WI DNR but also private
landowners across WI. Scott is a 1997 graduate of Wautoma High School
and a 1999 graduate of Gateway Technical College in Kenosha. Scott and
his wife Stephanie have 2 daughters and live in Ripon.