Future Sewering Feasibility Study

In response to requests by landowners from several of the remaining unsewered areas of the District, the GLSD Board of Commissioners authorized the District Engineer, Cedar Corp., to complete a feasibility study to evaluate the difficulty and potential costs of providing service to these developed, yet unsewered, areas of the District.  The final draft of the Preliminary Study linked below, will provide the GLSD Board the necessary information to evaluate project benefits to the lake, groundwater, and properties within the District as well as outline potential costs to complete the work. Information including the ages of existing septic systems /holding tanks /cesspools, depth to groundwater and/or bedrock, connectivity to current sewer infrastructure, development history & potential of each area, among other factors has been evaluated.  It is the goal of the GLSD to provide landowners with information about potential future sewering timelines so they may plan accordingly for new home construction, expansion of their existing home, necessary septic repairs, etc. 

The GLSD is holding 2 Preliminary Information Meetings (PIM) in late August to provide preliminary results of the study to the landowners in the potential project areas. If you are interested in attending, please join us at the Green Lake Public High School gymnasium on the dates and times are listed below.

  • The PIM for the GLSD Sewer Service Area 8 (Sunnyside Area including the GLSD portions of Illinois Ave., the streets between the City of Green Lake and Cty Rd A, as well as properties on Cty Rd A itself) will be held on August 25th, 2023, from 6 pm until 8 pm
  • The PIM for the GLSD Sewer Service Areas 2, 3, 4, 6, or 9 (sections of Bay/Sugar Loaf Rds, Lill/Radtke/Wildwood, unsewered portions of the Terrace & Blackbird Point area, Sandstone, and the Hickories) will be held on August 26th, 2023, from 8 am until 10 am