GLSD Sewer Service

Potential Future Sewering

Sewer Extension General Project Information

The GLSD works closely with our engineering firm, Cedar Corporation, as well as or legal counsel, Stafford Rosenbaum LLP, in the investigation, planning, and construction of any GLSD sewer extension projects.  While each and every project differs due to its location, number of residents, geology, etc., the following general information is provided to help answer questions landowners may have regarding possible sewer projects impacting their property.  Please note that the GLSD strives to provide information to all residents in a uniform manner.  Specific questions about individual project planning, design, board decisions, etc. are addressed at the Preliminary Informational Meetings the GLSD provides for each project.  These meetings are critical in maintaining accurate communication with residents.

Frequently Asked Questions Fall 2023 view questions and answers

Potential Sewer Service Projects

The Green Lake Sanitary District oversees the treatment of wastewater from just over 1,400 homes. Of the District’s 2,200+ total tax parcels, there are approximately 800 vacant lots in addition to the 1,400 lots with homes. Of the 1,400 homes, just under 1,000 are served by sewer and the remaining 400 are served by private on-site wastewater treatment systems (septic and holding tank systems).  The GLSD considers several important issues when considering if, and when, to provide sewer service into a new area.  These main factors include the density of development of an area, the ages of the existing septic systems in the area, the soil type, bedrock depth, logistics of providing service, etc.  

Septic systems generally last between 25 and 30 years if sized and used according to their initial permit.  As we see societal changes around Green Lake such as the construction of larger homes and increases in VRBO/AirBnB rentals, the functionality of septic systems on our lakeshore (especially aged systems) is a concern.  Additionally, the advent of new technologies has made extending sewer service into the unsewered areas around the lake more feasible.  The Green Lake Sanitary District strives to protect the water resources in our area while providing dependable sewer service to our customers.

*The projects listed above are in various stages of investigation/planning.  No approvals have been made by the GLSD Board of Commissioners for their construction.