Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (WPDES) Permit Compliance – Last November, the GLSD acquired 120 acres of fallow farmland to utilize in recycling our treated wastewater onto the landscape. GLSD staff have begun the task of preparing fields for seeding into perennial groundcover including native prairie species. Identified by the DNR as our most “environmentally friendly” alternative, land applying our treated wastewater is not uncommon in Wisconsin though the District’s use of prairie groundcover, is a newer approach. The GLSD is working in cooperation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on the project to create the best vegetation plan possible considering plant species moisture and nutrient needs, pollinator and wildlife benefits, as well as harvestability limitations. District staff are working closely with our Engineers, Cedar Corporation, WDNR staff, and a local agronomist to create the best project possible to meet the DNR wastewater requirements, protect local groundwater, and create long-term WPDES compliance for the GLSD. We hope to complete the infrastructure design phase in 2024 with construction occurring in 2025.
The GLSD selection of land application of our effluent is also the GLSD’s least costly compliance alternative. To construct/reconfigure a new wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), the GLSD tax payers would have incurred roughly $5.6 million in costs. By selecting the land application option, the cost to the District while still significant at $4.5 million, is nearly $1 million less than revamping our existing WWTP. Additional upgrades to our nearly 30 year old facility and collection system are included in the facility plan. These include HVAC & ADA update requirements in our office and service building along with needed upgrades at our GLCC Lift Station.
The PowerPoint link below is for the presentation provided by Mark VanWeelden of Cedar Corp. at the July 18th, 2024, GLSD Public Hearing. The presentation provides the main highlights of the facility plan as well as timelines and potential costs to District residents for the GLSD to achieve WPDES Permit compliance.