The GLSD aqweed crew begins harvesting aquatic plants in the beginning of June and continues to operate throughout the Summer until Labor Day weekend. Generally speaking, the intensity of the aqweed operations for a given Summer depends on the weather. In hot, muggy, sunny Summers, the lake produces more aquatic plants and that correlates to higher property owner demand for more frequent aquatic plant harvesting. Close to one-half of the property owners on the lake take advantage of this service (there are approximately 1,000 waterfront residential property owners on the lake and 500+ are currently signed up for harvesting).
Once again, we will be using Pink Ribbon tape to make properties visible from the lake for owners who want their shoreline cut. If you want your shoreline cut, please contact our office at (920) 295-4488 or send an email with your request to As with past years, we will not cut any properties that are not marked with a pink ribbon (the ribbon needs to be tied on the end of the pier or in a location that the crew can see from the water).
Please remember that the DNR limits each riparian property to a cutting width of 30 feet. Requests for cutting of greater than 30 feet must be made by the property owner directly to the DNR.