GLSD contracts Garbage & Recycling pick up with Waste Management 888-960-0008 or WM dispatch 920-923-8826.
Garbage is picked up on Monday except for Holidays that fall on Monday.
Christmas 12/25/2023 will be picked up Tuesday 12/26/2023
New Years Day 1/1/24 will be picked up Tuesday 1/2/24

All Garbage should be set out by 6:00 am. We suggest this time because the pickup route may change each week. If possible, put your trash out the morning of pick up.
• WM will only service waste that is in WM-provided waste carts.
• Garbage must be placed in plastic bags to be picked up.
• WM trash carts are for household trash only.
• Bags containing recyclables will not be picked up.
• WM is not contracted to pick up large items; therefore, large items such as beds, tables, mattresses, TV’s, sofas, any appliances etc. will not be picked up.
• Wisconsin law requires recycling (Requires sign-up. See below.)
• Absolutely no yard waste in garbage.
• Due to varying volumes of trash each week, trash collection may take 2 days.
• Owners of rental properties are responsible for their property’s garbage.
• If your trash is missed, please call the GLSD office at 920-295-4488.
If you have items that WM will not accept, you can contact Green Lake Freight (Jason) 920-979-4809 he may be able to help you.
Washkovick Inc also provides a Household Trash Drop-off Site located at W4950 Cradle Rd Princeton the 1st & 3rd Saturday of each month, 8:00 am to 12:00 pm Drop-off Site (
Please see their website for more information.
A recycling service is available to all residents in the Green Lake Sanitary District every other week as of 01/01/2024. The cost is $8.00 per month with a 64-gallon cart. Please see the calendar above for recycling pick up days. To subscribe to this service, please call our office 920-295-4488 and we will reach out to WM to contact you. For residents not subscribing to this service, recycling should be dropped off at the following Township Recycling Centers:
TOWN OF BROOKLYN (must be a resident)
N6285 Berlin Road (behind Stahl Plumbing), Green Lake, 920-294-6600
May thru October: Saturday – 7:30 am to 1:30 pm, Monday – 7:30 am to 11:30 a.m., Closed Labor-day
November thru April: Saturday – 7:30 am to 11:30 pm, Monday – 7:30 am to 10:30 pm
Big Dumpster Items: sofas, chairs, beds, mattresses; large bulky items that do not fit in compactor
Compost Site: brush, grass clippings and leaves
Recycling: containers (aluminum, glass, all plastics and steel); paper/fiber products (newspapers, corrugated cardboard, magazines)
Lead acid batteries; major appliances; appliances that contain refrigerants; electronics; used tires, used oil; oil filters or any absorbent(s) contaminated with oil
TOWN OF GREEN LAKE (must be a resident)
920-398-3031 (maintained by City of Markesan)
N2298 Cty Rd A (Former landfill site along County Trunk A)
Every Saturday 8:00 am- 2:00 pm
Following items may be placed in the same container: glass bottles and jars (clear or colored); aluminum (cans only); tin and steel cans; plastic; paper/fiber products (Bundle with string or put in paper bag) including newspapers and phone books, corrugated cardboard (separate from papers & magazines), magazines (separate from papers & cardboard); waste Oil (Check with Attendant); household appliances (white goods) including: refrigerators, freezers, ranges, air conditioners and microwaves (Check with Attendant); Lead Acid Batteries Automotive type only (Check with Attendant); Clean Scrap Iron
paint; anti-freeze and other non-petroleum based liquids; flashlight and lanterns; batteries; electronics (T.V’s, computers, etc)
TOWN OF MARQUETTE (must be a resident)
Town Hall in Village on Front Street
(920) 398-3156
1st and 3rd Saturday 8:30 am – 10:30 am
TOWN OF PRINCETON (must be a resident)
Town Hall South of Princeton on County Trunk D
(920) 295-4676
1st and 3rd Saturday 8:00 am to 12:00 pm
Following items may be placed in the same container: glass bottles and jars (clear or colored); aluminum (cans only); tin and steel cans; plastic; waste oil; paper/fiber products (bundle with string or put in paper bag) including newspapers, phone books, corrugated cardboard, magazines
paint; anti-freeze and other non-petroleum based liquids; tires; yard waste; household appliances (white goods including refrigerators, freezers, ranges, air conditioners and microwaves); flashlights and lanterns; batteries;
electronics (T.V.’s, computers, etc)
City of Princeton Electronic Recycling Event
The City of Princeton will hold an E-Waste collection on August 12, 2023 10:00 am to 1:00 pm.
Do not need to be a resident of the City to drop off items.
Drop items off at: 438 W Main Street Princeton, WI (by Public Works Garage)
Items Accepted
FREE ITEMS: Computers, Stereo Equipment, VCRs, Keyboards, Power Tools, Scanners, Phones, Printers, Fax Machines, Microwaves, Cell Phones, Game Systems, Calculator and Hard Drives.
ITEMS WITH A FEE: Regular TVs, CRT Monitors, Projection Screen TVs, Console TVs, broken TVs and bare tubes.
Spring Clean-Up will be held the Saturday before Memorial Day and the following Tuesday thru Saturday. Following are the dates/times:
Saturday 05/25/24 and Saturday 06/01/24; 8:00 am to 12:00 pm
Tuesday 05/28/24 through Friday 05/31/24; 8:00 am to 3:00 pm.
The purpose of Spring Clean-Up is to give property owners in the Green Lake Sanitary District the ability to get rid of unwanted items that Waste Management will not pick up as part of regular/normal weekly household garbage.
Several Dumpsters will be set up at the Green Lake Sanitary District Office located at N5295 Cty Rd TT, Princeton WI. for residents to put the items in.
We will also have an area for gently used items that are not ready for the landfill, we will try to donate these items to other people and organizations.
Hazardous materials such as oils, paints, batteries, tires, microwaves, dehumidifiers, recyclables and appliances containing fluids etc. will not be accepted. Electronic waste will not be accepted either. If you are unsure of an item please contact the GLSD at 920-295-4488 or
The City of Princeton is planning to schedule and E-waste collection event however a date has not been set. Please contact the Princeton Clerk’s office 920-295-6612 for more information. You do not have to be a resident of the city to take advantage of this event.
Green Lake County Clean Sweep will be held August 09, 2024 11 am to 5 pm at County Highway Facility (fairgrounds) 570 South St Green Lake. E-Waste will also be accepted with a small fee 11 am to 3 pm.
Pre-registration is required. You can register online at Green Lake County Land Conservation Website.
Please contact Green Lake County for more information 920-294-4051.