Lake trout release 2022

On April 4th, GLSD and DNR staff moved approximately 30,000 lake trout from our fish rearing facility on North Lawson Drive to Green Lake. Stu Marks and Dallas Lewallen from the GLSD spend 6 months of the year feeding and monitoring the trout. A big thank you to our funding partners as well as DNR staff(Jon Hoffman) for all the time, effort, and direction they provide in helping raise this valuable resourcefor Green Lake.
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2022 State of Green Lake Report

On April 11th, Dr. Dale Robertson of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), presented the USGS’s annual “State of Big Green Lake” to the GLSD Board of Commissioners and the Lake Management Planning (LMP) Team. The purpose of the meeting was for Dr. Robertson to provide an overview of the recent water quality in Green Lake, nutrient loading (specifically phosphorus) into the lake from the watershed, as well as provide an overview of his conclusions from the Lake Study recently completed by the USGS,...
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Results of 2016-2020 Lake Study

In June 2021, a detailed study of Green Lake was completed by the US Geological Survey, Michigan Technological Institute, and the Green Lake Association. The project began in 2016 with the GLA securing a grant to fund the study of depleted oxygen levels within the lake’s thermocline (approx. 30’ below the lake surface). Additionally, the study evaluated phosphorus reductions needed from the watershed to improve the lake’s water quality to un-impaired levels. In the last 40 years, the lake has f...
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Rain Gardens: Your Personal Contribution to a Cleaner Green Lake

As mentioned briefly in our spring newsletter, the GLSD currently has a wonderful cost share program rain gardens in addition to shoreline restoration. A newer conservation practice, rain gardens are becoming popular nationwide as many landowners look to limit stormwater runoff from their properties. WHAT IS A RAIN GARDEN?Rain gardens are sunken gardens planted with wildflowers and other native plants that collect and soak up rainwater, mainly from the roof of a house, garage, or driveway. T...
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GLSD Wastewater Permit Compliance and Future Sewering

WPDES PERMIT COMPLIANCE As mentioned in previous newsletters, the GLSD is required to meet new, stringent wastewater discharge requirements set forth by the State of WI. This mandated reduction in phosphorus discharge will require the District to completely overhaul its wastewater treatment process. We have been working closely with our District Engineer, Cedar Corporation, on this critical planning. The GLSD has been focused on achieving compliance through the storage and utilization of our...
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GLSD Welcomes New Board Member, Justin Ellis

The Green Lake Sanitary Board of Commissioners has recently undergone a change. Secretary of the board, Boni Jensen, stepped down from her position with the District in April. A member of the board since early 2018, Boni has been an enthusiastic supporter of the GLSD’s efforts in lake and watershed protection. She has been an asset to the District bringing fresh ideas and a genuine willingness to consider issues from all viewpoints. As Boni’s term of office has several years remaining, the Town...
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New Land Stewardship Brochure Available

The Green Lake Sanitary District has released a new brochure to inform new landowners in the Green Lake watershed about available options for land management planning and land preservation. LAND MANAGEMENT PLANNINGThe best strategies for managing land vary from property to property depending on proximity to waterways, topography, soil type, etc. Through our Lake Management Planning Team, the Green Lake Watershed has experienced land managers available to work with landowners to determine how...
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The Green Lake Watershed Soil Health Program

We are very excited to announce the Green Lake Watershed Soil Health Program. Based on a programcreated by the Fond du Lac County Land and Water Resources Dept., this new outreach program has thepotential to bring great change to the Big Green Lake watershed. With a focus on overall soil health, this program strives to keep soil in place on ag fields throughout the watershed while enriching the soil through the buildupof organic matter and healthy soil organisms. The program is being adminis...
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GLSD Compliance with TMDL Requirements

As we focus heavily on the health of Green Lake, it is important to note that we are part of a greater watershed – the Upper Fox/Wolf Basins. As an impaired waterbody, the health of Green Lake is a concern to the DNR and the federal government as well. Water from Green Lake makes its way into Lake Winnebago and ultimately into the Lower Fox River Basin where it outlets into Green Bay. The waters located within the Upper Fox/ Wolf Basins are designated as impaired due to excess phosphorus and to...
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BMP Spotlight – NO TILL

The best management practice of ‘no-till’ is just what is sounds like. A no-till field management system avoids disturbing soil with tools like chisel plows, field cultivators, disks, and plows. Plowing breaks up the soil surface or flips the top layer of soil which breaks up soil stability and incorporates nearly all crop residue deeper into the soil profile. No-till management of crop fields allows the previous year’s crop to help hold and cover bare soil. This helps retain soil on fields use...
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